Friday, November 16, 2018

November 26th: Lesbian-Sympathetic Witch to "Preach" at Desales University

Lesbian Witch takes the Stage as Preacher at  Desales  University's St. Jane de Chantal chapel
Yes you read it right! The English Department head of Desales University in Center Valley, PA right outside of Allentown, is a Lesbian-sympathetic disciple of Carl Jung and will "preach" at the on campus following Thanksgiving. 

The "preacher's" title is Professor Julienne McKnight and her story is just as Americo-typical as an American Catholic can be.  Read more to find out about the scandalous and subversive modernist who doesn't even have to put on a lamb pelt to appear Catholic:

Desales Universtiy: Spook School to Social Justice Training Camp 
Desales University: founded in 1964. Just one seed of the scion of the "ecumenical" Vatican II council,  in the same timeframe as the sexual revolution spurned by the Rockefeller -funded pederast Alfred Kinsey, the rape-culture of the loose sentencing guides of the Model Penal Code, and the antisoviet Anglophillic Marxists of the Congress of Cultural Freedom.

Simultaneously as sexual tastes declined into the obscene, so did artistic pursuits. DeSales University was also at the center of the cultural revolution, which award-winning author Frances Stonor Saunders documented as the result of the protestant Rockefeller-Dulles-Central Intelligence Agency axis funding of modern art to be accepted as Americana and a symbol of capitalist nihilistic modern progress.

During this timeframe, Desales University tried to rise to the call of the Anglo-American establishment by becoming a spook school for intelligence recruiting from Catholic stock to fight the Soviets.  The institution became host of the Thomas J. Furphy Lecture series that welcomed the cream of the crop of intelligence officials including: Phoenix-program architect and CIA director William Colby; Benazir Bhutto;John Ashcroft;  heir of the liberal Fulbright family,Tucker Carlson; Barrack Obama's mentor, Al Quadea recruiter and author of the Fabian Socialist-reminiscent Between Two Ages: the Technocratic Era, Zbigniew Brezinski and so on...

Guest of Rev. Thomas J. Furphy Lecture Series Zbig Brezinski during CIA
training sessions of Osama Bin Laden against Soviets. 

Yes: Desales University, then Allentown College, has a palpable history of being deeply entrenched in relationship with the formative power of the protestant Anglo-American establishment (as defined by former President Bill Clinton's mentor Carroll Quigley.)

I mean not to say that the institution is at the center of a conspiracy but rather a result of subconscious insecurities, ambiguous moral loyalties and susceptibility to "influence" (as defined by Walter Lippmann) that the average Catholic American allows to determine his or her actions. From a legal standpoint, upheld by the long traditions of common law courts, to avoid precedent contrary to social sanity, we must treat the "fool" who finds himself acting ambiguously and imprudently, as responsible for the actions as if he was a conscious conspirator.  This is the principle of "should have known." And DeSales is embroiled in the shortcomings of "should have known." Thus, I treat the subject without mincing words but do not wish to claim, on the extreme contrary, that this is some schizophrenic selfreflexive plot often derided as a "conspiracy theory."

 Continuing our main line of thought: From its unintelligible "religious" modern art, to its once prominent "national security" degree program, Desales fits the bill as one of many institutions founded by desperate American Catholic bishops to pander to the heavily protestant Anglo-American establishment for relevancy in the American government during the Cold War.  One only needs to look as far as the Vatican banking scandal and Gladio to see the extreme documented fact of Cold War pandering.

Typical in America following the Congress of Cultural Freedom lead by degenerates like Theodor Adorno (who once said the only illicit sex act is that which cannot be performed) Desales posits unintelligible modern art and architecture  as represent theological concepts that leaves Catholics scratching their heads. 
Clearly ashamed to be Catholic, the university was and is embodying the spirit of desperate "rugged individual" Justice Antonin Scalia, often considered to have been the "most Catholic judge" by neoconservatives and traditionalists alike but whose mentor, a Jewish Rabbi, notably dubbed as the "Jewish Justice."

Scalia of course, deserves this name because he capitulated to the heresy of "Americanism" now called "religious freedom" in numerous rulings.  The idea of "religious freedom" was known during the Enligthenment as: indifferentism, illuminism, freemasonry et al. which was and always was condemned by multiple popes and specifically by Pope Leo XIII.

The lineage of this idea of "religious freedom" in the courts, comes from the 33rd Degree Freemason and former Klu Klux Klan member, Justice Hugo Black who ruled on the famous anti-Catholic Brown v. Board of Education case.  To link "religious freedom" back to Scalia's nickname of "Jewish Justice," it is interesting to note that the ADL (the "as such" legal branch of Jewish freemason organization Bnai Brith) was the racist Justice Hugo Black's prime supporter. This shows it was okay to be a racist in America if it was laregly inspired by anti-Catholicism and worked to the advantage of the special Protestant-Jewish relationship that grew out of the "British Israelite" phenomenon.

But one can take one of any American Catholic and find the same heresy manifest in his subconscious, that is if he is not railing about liberties and human rights explicitly.  Thus, hopefully we have painted a dim picture of the problem with American Catholic institutions, a set of problematic institutions in which Desales University is included.  This is simply a preface to the article as well as this blog and now we can move on to the event at hand.

Psuedo-Catholic Justice Antonin Scalia and his Talmudic Teacher.
(the Talmud teaches that our Lord Jesus Christ is burning in Hell in a barrel full of excrement) 

Lesbian Witches Are Professors at Desales University 
Now that we understand an essential spirit of the institution, we can proceed to the growing anti-Catholic nature of the institution, Desales University.

First of all, one must pass through numerous scandals which the university has covered up including in recent years: a priest telling students that the prohibition against joining Freemasonry is no longer in effect, a scandal involving $5 fellatio bordello in the freshmen dorms by numerous members in the dance and theatre departments, the surprising level of male-on-male rape by theatre students at parties, the wasteful spending on horrendous art and perhaps the "breast pump bugger" incident where a faculty member spied on a pregnant woman breastfeeding with a hidden camera.

The university, of course, like the American Catholic Bishops regarding child molestation, brushed all scandals under the rug.  A competent school newspaper could have reported on scandals like this to discourage the downward spiral of the University but unfortunately, the newspaper is under the supervision of a lesbian-sympathetic witch named Professor Julienne McKnight.  (Now I am not so naive to believe that a school newspaper would report on such things; as everyone knows, a school newspaper is just a practical avenue to become an establishment news reporter and therefore such a person must only involve themselves in passive reporting like the idols of journalism Woodward and Bernstein who were admittedly spoon-fed their entire Watergate narrative by an anonymous source working for the CIA with little personal investigation.)

The Bloody Minstrel Cycle 
But what the school newspaper, The Minstrel, does investigate and express is the many sympathies to the LGBT community and slight-of-hand condemnations of the true faith.  More and more often The Minstrel carries a front-page grievance article about the denial of an LGBT forum or LGBT-Straight-Alliance at the school. Authors documenting the LGBT phenomena include: Adam Zielonka, Victor Porelli and former editor-in-chief Kellie Dietrich.

An article in The Minstrel called "God the Mother Please Stay Away" seems to be a promising condemnation of a protestant cult called the World Mission Society of God, until the author includes Catholic virtues such as fasting, tithing, and that the world is soon ending (which is evident in Revelations and the prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima,) as "cult-like" activities.

A review of this rag called The Minstrel reveals mostly irrelevant or uninspired content but often a front page covered with LGBT, pro-Marijuanna, Islamic, socialist, pro-Yoga or Woman's studies propaganda parallel to the attitudes of its supervisor, in the English Department, Professor Julienne McKnight.

Who is Julienne McKnight? 
To be brief, Julienne McKnight is the paragon of the type of people who took over the Church after Vatican II.  She is of the archetype of Madam Blatvastky, the famous occultist, of which Pope John Paul II was unfortunately influenced by in his childhood theatrical group founded by the Madame.

Witches don't only show up for Halloween.  Now they're here for Thanksgiving.

Julienne McKnight, chair of the Desales English Department, is your typical unchecked witch-type who loves the spirituality of the Novus Ordo Church.  For instance, McKnight is a  follower of Carl Jung, of the Freudian lineage, who influenced a multiplicity of lunatic New Age U.F.O. cults, was sympathetic to the gnostic-volksgeist theology of the German National Socialists and scandalized mislead Catholic theologians such as C. S. Lewis.
The insane heir of the degenerate cocaine addict Sigmund Freud brought about New Age cults around
"collective consciousness" and U.F.O.s as "mandalas." 

A prime example of Jung's fruits would be mystic preacher George Gurdjeff's whose philosophy was recently adopted by comedian Jim Carry.  Eerily, Carry adopted this Gurdjeffian philosophy after he drove his suicidal girlfriend crazy by passing her a Sexually Transmitted Disease. It can be presumed that the Jungian-Gurdjeffian philosophy Carry has recently become famous for is a dissociative strategy to combat his guilt over killing his ex-girlfriend through sexual sin.  Oftentimes, Gnostic deviations from Catholic orthodoxy are simply theologized coping mechanisms for repressing sinful pasts.

McKnight, an author of celtic occult books, makes it very obvious during her courses that she is a Jungian occultist.  Give her a classical writer and she will apply Jung.

E.T. the Extraterrestrial, from the Stephen Spielberg movie of the same name constitutes a "Christ" archetype figure for McKnight as she has expressed with a bleeding heart during her courses on classical writers such as Shakespeare.  She is also not afraid to admit her belief in fairies and sorcery as she boastfully demonstrates their loose relationships to the relevant topics during her courses.

However, behind-the-scenes in Professor McKnight's Dooling Building office is an even worse evidence of her satanic alliance:  Professor McKnight brandishes a rainbow "Erin Gro Bragh" Irish Republican Army flag hanging behind her desk implying that an Irish Nationalist or an Irish Republican Army member would be a proud supporter of sodomy.

The basic idea of the flag in McKnight's office. It's very hard to find such a flag.  It's likely a custom job.
Perhaps this unfortunate new wave of Irish nationalist's sympathies would be a true representation if not for faithful Catholics still fighting in the Green Country. In recent times, under another Irish witch, named Mary Lou Macdonald, in the Spring of 2018, the aforementioned leader of Sinn Fein, capitulated to repeal abortion laws and left Irish Catholics and unborn souls literally out to dry.  But this is a re-imagining of  Irish history, as the Irish Republican Army and its brave constituents have always opposed abortion and sodomy.

Gregory McGeough, a leader of the Irish Republican Army and veteran of the fight against the Anglo-American Protestant establishment's liberal policies boldly stated to The Guardian in December 2003:
'I, as an Irish nationalist and Catholic, never want to see the day when there are abortion clinics in every market town in Ireland. But looking around there is no political grouping willing to take a stance against that.'
Furthermore, the witch, McKnight, endorses the occultist and manifest heretic Meister Eckhart who is the Gnostic forerunner of  Martin Luther and also Carl G. Jung's atheist conception known as the "collective conscious."  We can see a bit of her preparation for her Thanksgiving Sermon for November 26th at Desales University Campus on her Facebook Page.

Eckhart from McKnight's Facebook Page

This absurd idea of the "collective conscious" is that our existence is of our own conscious rather than the great independently personal being"I AM" known by the Jews as Jehovah is illustrated by Jung:
Meister Eckhart's theology knows a "Godhead" of which no qualities, except unity and being, can be predicated; it "is becoming," it is not yet Lord of itself, and it represents an absolute coincidence of opposites: "But its simple nature is of forms formless; of becoming becomingless; of beings beingless; of things thingless," etc. Union of opposites is equivalent to unconsciousness, so far as human logic goes, for consciousness presupposes a differentiation into subject and object and a relation between them.

The Trinity as revealed by scripture and the authority of the Church.
Believe what you want but if you differ you are not Catholic. 

A paraphrase of Eckhart's Gnostic philosophy occurs in the artful but incredibly Jewish-Kabbalist movie Jacob's Ladder demonstrating the early anti-Catholic heresy of Platonic-Gnosticism wherein Hell is simply a state of mind and where man must not pay back his sins to God:
You know what he [Eckhart] said? The only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life; your memories, your attachments. They burn 'em all away. But they're not punishing you, he said. They're freeing your soul. [...] If you're frightened of dying and holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. But if you've made your peace then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the Earth.
Eckhart's propositions were condemned by Pope John XXII in the Bull "Dolentes referimus" in 1329 AD.  Seventeen (17) propositions were deemed heretical while eleven (11) were deemed suspicious and ill-sounding to pious ears.

So we have a heretical witch "preaching"at Desales University with no attempt to appear Catholic on her part. 

Pope John XXII infallibly condemned Meister Eckhart's Gnostic propositions as heretical. 
Desales Is NOT Catholic, Do Something About It
Students, parents faculty and staff need to return to tradition and oust these "screen doors in the submarine."  For reasons that I may explain later, as evidenced in St. Paul and the Old Testament, women are not even supposed to hold a teaching or preaching position in the Church if they are unfettered by the Church.  For instance, a nun who is a bride of Christ, can teach because she is under his dominion, but a single or lesbian woman certainly should not. Thousands of years of the Church have also denied the existence of same-sex attraction except as being resultant from the absence of the graces of God.  If such absence exists then how can they preach his word?

Letters and social media complaints should be made to stop this woman from "preaching" at St. Jane De Chantal Chapel.  Please leave any comments with ideas on how to combat this grave injustice against our Lord.
Send your complaints to the Diocese.

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